Deus, qui beatum Albertum Pontificem tuum atque Doctorem in humana sapientia divinae fidei subicienda magnum effecisti: da nobis, quaesumus; ita eius magisterii inhaerere vestigiis ut luce perfecta fruamur in caelis.Vide also James A. Weisheipl, O.P., "Albert the Great and Medieval Culture," The Thomist 44 (1980) 500, cited here.
O God, who didst make blessed Albert, thy bishop and doctor, great in subjecting human wisdom to divine faith, grant we pray, that we may so adhere to the footprints of his authorative teaching that in heaven we may enjoy perfect life.—today's collect for St. Albertus Magnus
Scientia ad maiorem Dei gloriam
Mater Dei Maria, Sedes Sapientiæ et Stella Matutina, ora pro nobis.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Albertus Magnus' Feast Day
Albertus Magnus
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